Meeting in the Cave of the Heart
to be addedReferences
Armstrong, C.J.R. (1975) Evelyn Underhill, London: Mowbray.
Braybrooke, Marcus. (2003) 1,000 World Prayers, Winchester: O Books.
Braybrooke, Marcus (2005) A Heart for the World, Winchester: O Books
Braybrooke, Marcus. (2009) Beacons of Light. Winchester: O Books.
Braybrooke, Marcus. (2016) Christianity: An Explorer’s Guide.
Cantwell Smith, Wilfred. (2000) What is Scripture. Augsburg Press.
Chandogya Upanishad
Dante. The Divine Comedy.
Goodall, Jane. (2000) Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey. London: Thorsons.
Griffiths, Bede. (1966) Christian Ashram. London: Darton, Longman and Todd.
Hardy, Alister (1975) The Biology of God. London: Cape.
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Otto, Rudolf. (1930) India's Religion of Grace and Christianity Compared and Contrasted, trans Frank Hugh Foster. New York: Macmillan.
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna Vedanta Press, 1942, p.34 (no author given)
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Gregory of Nazianzen
Angelus Silesius
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