Clairvoyance and Conceptualism Rudolf Steiner's Higher Modes of Cognition as a Higher-Order Theory of Consciousness


  • Loren Fetterman University of Chester


Rudolf Steiner, mystical experience, clairvoyance, cognition, neuroscience, cognitive science, meditation, spiritual practice, psychedelic research, higher-order theories of consciousness, predictive coding, conceptualism, esotericism, occult


While it is widely accepted among scholars that mystical experiences are entirely culturally and/or linguistically constructed, in this article I argue that mystical experiences are distinct neuro-physiological events generated through a process of conceptual development. Rudolf Steiner's experiences of shifting into higher modes of cognition are interpreted as experiences of accessing the higher-order representations proposed by higher-order theories of consciousness. I suggest that clairvoyant perceptions and esoteric symbol systems may berepresentations of the distinctive phenomenology associated with higher-order representations, as predicted by higher-order perception theory. This article proposes that esoteric systems of spiritual development such as Steiner's are not arbitrary creations, but technical languages pertaining to the development of higher states and stages of consciousness. It is suggested that these esoteric systems may play an important role in the future if experiences of higher states and stages of consciousness become more widespread.

Author Biography

Loren Fetterman, University of Chester

I am a postgraduate student in religious studies with the University of Chester currently studying mystical experiences and cognitive science.


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