About the Journal
The Journal for the Study of Religious Experience (JSRE) is promoted by the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre (RERC). It publishes original papers promoting theoretical, methodological and ethnographical developments in the research on spiritual or religious experience.
Current Issue
Full Issue
The Journal for the Study of Religious Experience (JSRE) is a peer-reviewed journal, which publishes original papers promoting theoretical, methodological and ethnographical developments in the research on spiritual or religious experience.
JSRE is concerned with gathering together different approaches to the study of religious experience. Therefore, it encourages submissions from scholars working in the area of anthropology, sociology, psychology, and religious studies.
JSRE welcomes submissions in the following formats:
Journal Articles: original research aimed at contributing to the scholarly discourse in the field of the study spiritual or religious Experience by proposing theoretical developments, engaging in current debates, or discussing experimental methodologies. Approx. length (7.000-10.000 words).
Field Reports: in order to disseminate current research in the field of religious experience we welcome reports on work-in-progress research projects discussing initial findings. Approx. length (2,000-4,000 words).
The Journal for the Study of Religious Experience (JSRE) is promoted by the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and the Alister Hardy Trust. Sir Alister Hardy, a renowned scientist, approached the complex field of religious and spiritual experience from a similar disciplined and scientific manner in which he approach natural science. Asking people from the public to send him accounts of first-hand experiences with spiritual or religious powers he established the Religious Experience Research Centre that has been since then at the forefront of the academic study of religious experiences. This journal will take his work forward and engage in the study of religious and spiritual experiences from an academic perspective.